Auto Body Collision Repair Equipment
Quality Equipment - Competitive Pricing
LNB 1000 High Fire Blue Flame Mode
LNB 1000 Low Fire Blue Flame Mode
LNB 1000 Complete Package
*Burner Capacity 150,000 BTU's to 1.000.000 *BTU's
*Larger models available in 2011
*Low CO and NOx emissions
*High efficiency radiant heat release
*Universal Mounting ftange
*Easy Installation
*Easy burner setup
*Completely assembled and factory fire tested ?
Our modular burner concept keeps the initial investment low and maintenance costs at a minimum compared to flue gas recirculation type burners.
New Low NOx Power Gas Burner = Installation Included.
Midco International has been approved to SCAQMD rule 1147 for select makeup air units applied to automotive spray booths.
The Midco LNB 1,000 LOW NOx gas burner was developed to meet the changing emission requirements required today ato reduce the overall carbon footprint.
The air and gas are premixed through a modulating premix gas blower. The air and gas is ignited using a simple direct spark ignition system notrequiring an additional pilot burner. Once the air and gas are premixed it is distributed through a high efficient metal fibr burner head. Premixin the fuel and air before ignition assures complete combustion with minimal levels of CO and NOx.